Efficient Hosting Managed Services For Trading Platforms

Empower Your Trading Infrastructure With Techcovered Cloud

Managed Services allow your business to outsource its IT requirements to a third party while maintaining total control over the cloud infrastructure’s operation. Outsource your hosting managed service and gain the benefits of utility, simplicity of use, short time to market, increased cost efficiency, flexibility, and mobility. Access the Zybisys CoC control panel for running, maintaining, 24×7 Support monitoring infra health and SECURE Data Transfer with Cloud Computing Solutions for Financial Services.

Why We Are Special

We have established strong partnerships with trading platforms in India to provide mission-critical applications and infrastructure. Our hosting managed services are trustworthy, dependable, and efficient, ensuring the smooth operation of trading activities.
Our globally controlled trading infrastructure and managed services are delivered via the Zybisys cloud, specifically through our Cloud Operating Console (COC). COC is a cloud-based platform that offers desktop applications to customer offices worldwide, enabling traders to connect with all parties involved in the trade lifecycle. This includes buy and sell-side firms and trading platforms, all supported by our Managed Cloud Solutions to enhance the efficiency and reliability of trading operations.

Industry Support

Managed Trading Platforms

Work seamlessly with the Zybisys Cloud trading platform, offering supports for your entire deal lifecycle while providing better performance and remarkable cost savings.

Trading system support

Assist in the troubleshooting of test/production order routing and trade difficulties as a subject matter expert responsible for the original connectivity (OMS, FIX network, business logic/ routing configuration).

Risk Management

Clients seamlessly interact with their data and digital assets. Across any combination of on-premises, private, and public cloud platforms while managing risks with our infra-level disaster recovery solution.

Manage IT services

Transform your corporate goals into possibilities utilizing our cutting-edge technology and the finest infra support team.

Our Process

Exchange leased commission and testing

Cloud hosting is a great way to save on your hosting expenses.

Infra audit compliance support

On-site hardware audits and client-coordinated updates assist ensure that systems fulfil the demand of the customer.

Vulnerability Assessment and reporting

A vulnerability assessment can assist you in determining your vulnerabilities and how to defend yourself against them.

Server OS hardening and patch management

Upgrading security features and controls, as well as changing system configuration to make it more difficult for unauthorized users to exploit vulnerabilities.

Customer Benefits

Managed OS and security

Analyzing the risks of your computer and laptop with a modern operating system and security updates that will ensure your IT network meets contemporary security requirements while protecting against unauthorized access.

CXO daily reports

Daily reports on your service usage and consumption, and also support from our infra team.

Backup Solutions

Customers receive best-in-class advice for planning business-critical data backup and data retention policy assessments.

Real-time exchange Leased lines monitoring and support

If your lines are down, you will have 24/7 access to an expert who will help with anything from troubleshooting to resolving problem. Security team gives our clients peace of mind no matter where the user is accessing from.